Spectral, information-theoretic, and perturbative methods for quantum learning and error mitigation
Kempf, Achim
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University of Waterloo
We present spectral and information-theoretic characterizations of learning tasks involving
quantum systems, and develop new perturbative error mitigation techniques for
near-term devices. In the first part of this thesis, we explore connections between quantum
information and learning theory. We demonstrate theoretically that kernel bandwidth enables
quantum kernel methods associated with a high dimensional quantum feature space
to generalize. We then characterize quantum machine learning models that generalize
despite overfitting their training data, contradicting standard expectations from learning
theory. In such learning tasks, the learner may fail due to noise in the input data. So
we next consider a setting where the learner has access to correlated auxiliary noise, a
resource that contains information about an otherwise unknown noise source corrupting
input data. We use classical Shannon theory to relate the strength of these correlations to
the classical capacity of a bit flip channel with correlated auxiliary noise, and we extend
this analysis to derive the quantum capacity of a quantum bit flip channel given access
to an auxiliary system entangled with the environmental source of the noise. Finally,
we derive an information-theoretic guarantee for the learnability of data by an optimal
learner and, extending this technique to a quantum setting, we introduce and characterize
an entanglement manipulation task that generalizes the notion of classical learning.
The second part of this thesis introduces techniques for error mitigation on near-term
quantum processors and provides guarantees in the perturbative limit. We introduce a
technique for mitigating measurement errors using truncated matrix operations. We then
propose and characterize a technique that uses the time-reversibility of a quantum circuit
to measure the quality of a subset of qubits, and we apply this technique to assign logical
circuits to qubits on a physical device in a nearly optimal manner using a simulated
annealing optimization algorithm.
quantum computing, quantum information theory, quantum machine learning