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A Multi-Phase Analysis of Gas Dynamics and Perturbations in the Galaxy Cluster Cores

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McNamara, Brian

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University of Waterloo


This thesis provides a detailed analysis of gas kinematics and their interactions across various phases within galaxy cluster cores. It examines the processes that generate gas perturbations and the factors that contribute to the thermal stability of the intracluster medium (ICM). A focus is placed on exploring the origins of multi-phase gas and the mechanisms—particularly AGN feedback—that either couple or decouple their motions. Radio-mechanical AGN feedback is identified as one of the most promising heating mechanisms that prevent the cooling of gas. However, the debate on the details of the heating transport processes has remained open. The atmospheres of 5 cool-core clusters, Abell 2029, Abell 2107, Abell 2151, RBS0533 and RBS0540, have short central cooling times but little evidence of cold gas, and jet-inflated bubbles. The amplitudes of gas density fluctuations were measured using a new statistical analysis of X-ray surface brightness fluctuations within the cool cores of these ‘spoil’ clusters in Chapter 2. The derived velocities of gas motions, typically around 100 - 200 km/s, are comparable to those in atmospheres around central galaxies experiencing energetic feedback, such as in the Perseus Cluster, and align well with the turbulent velocities expected in the ICM. Regardless of the mechanisms driving these perturbations, turbulent heating appears sufficient to counteract radiative losses in four of the five spoiler cluster cores. We thus suggest that other mechanisms, such as gas sloshing, may be responsible for generating turbulence, offering a plausible solution to suppress cooling in these structureless atmospheres. Multiphase filaments, key byproducts of AGN feedback, are frequently observed near central galaxies, with their morphologies and kinematics closely linked to bubbles. In Chapter 3, we analyzed the velocity structure functions (VSFs) of warm ionized gas and cold molecular gas, identified through [OII] emission and CO emissions observed by the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), respectively, in four clusters: Abell 1835, PKS 0745-191, Abell 262, and RXJ0820.9+0752. Excluding Abell 262, where gas forms a circumnuclear disk, the remaining clusters exhibit VSFs steeper than the Kolmogorov slope. The VSFs of CO and [OII] in RXJ0820 and Abell 262 show close alignment, whereas in PKS 0745 and Abell 1835, were differentiated across most scales, likely due to the churning caused by the radio-AGN. The large-scale consistency in Abell 1835 and RXJ0820, together with scale-dependent velocity amplitudes of the hot atmospheres obtained from Chandra X-ray data, may support the idea of cold gas condensation from the hot atmospheres. X-ray observations have previously been constrained by low energy resolution, which has impeded direct measurements of velocity fields in galaxy clusters. However, the recent release of initial data from the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) provides a non-dispersive energy resolution of about 5 eV, facilitating the measurement of line broadening and shifts. In Chapter 4 of this thesis, I detail my contributions to calibrating the optical blocking filters for XRISM using synchrotron beamlines at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) and Advanced Light Source (ALS) prior to its launch, and I discuss the model-based estimation of the parameters of the calibrated filters. This capability for direct measurement of plasma velocities is expected to greatly improve our understanding of the ICM dynamics with high accuracy.



Galaxy Cluster, Intracluster Medium, AGN feedback

LC Subject Headings
